Thoughts on Procrastination

Many of us struggle with procrastination, even when it keeps us from doing what we know is best--like creating that emergency plan for our children, and an estate plan that will keep our loved ones out of court and conflict after we are no longer here to take care of them.

It's easy to put things off when you are busy...

Have you ever felt like you blinked and several months passed in an instant? It has been a busy springtime here at Dignity & Trust Law, helping families create a legacy for their loved ones, doing outreach in our community, and spreading the word about the importance of a good estate plan to protect your loved ones from court and conflict. And I have certainly felt like I blinked and two months passed me by! Before I could get back to my desk long enough to send out a newsletter, the last several months flew right by me.


My own busy schedule has gotten me thinking about others’ busy schedules. I have heard many people say that they have been putting off making that initial step toward estate planning because they are busy. Hectic work schedules, making sure the kids are off to school on time with packed lunches and homework done, squeezing in that unforeseen car repair, perhaps taking care of an aging parent, and so many other events can keep us from doing even the most important things.

Here’s what I mean. We all know that we should make sure that we have an estate plan that will protect our loved ones when we are no longer here. But even something as important as estate planning can take a back seat to the demands of daily life. As I thought about this recently, I began to wonder, what could I do to help families stop procrastinating and start making time to ensure that their children, grandchildren, and other loved ones will be taken care of, no matter what? 

And then I realized, one thing that always motivates me is a deadline. So, I have cleared some space on my calendar for the next several weeks to fit extra initial client consultations in, and I will be giving a $500 discount on any estate planning package to anyone who books an initial appointment with me (and meets with me for that appointment) prior to June 23rd. 

If you know that you need to protect your family with an estate plan (or even if you think you do, but aren't totally sure), this is your month! Come in for a no-obligation consultation, and we will go over what state law says about your estate, and what you can change by crafting your own estate plan. 

Whether you need a new plan or not, just this process alone will get you more financially organized than ever before. It will provide total peace of mind around what you need to ensure you’ve handled your personal affairs in the most loving way possible.

If you are ready to book your two-hour, no-obligation estate planning session, then use this link to reserve your spot!


Remember, you must reserve an appointment and meet with me on or before June 23rd to take advantage of the $500 discount!


Or, if you want to take advantage of the discount, but you want to have answers to some questions before you book, use this link to book a free 15-minute phone call with me:


I look forward to serving you and your family!


This discount is not available with any other offer, gift certificate, or discount.


An Event Announcement!